Save It For A Sunny Day
Karl-Harry Winson (UK) . December 2022
Choreographed By
Drake Milligan
Choreographed to
Save It For A Sunny Day (view all dances to this track)
6 (view)
Main Chart Position
Improver Chart Position
Established Chart Position
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Reviews of Save It For A Sunny Day.
16th Oct 2023
Gorgeous song and Dance. Cleverchoreography to a lovely smooth song. Don't miss this little Gem.
Gorgeous song and Dance. Cleverchoreography to a lovely smooth song. Don't miss this little Gem.
Birchington, Kent
22nd Jun 2023
Yep not an easy teach first week but now a class favourite
Yep not an easy teach first week but now a class favourite
26th Feb 2023
I thought all the turning would confuse the dancers but once they realized that all the turns bring you to the next wall to your right, they got it.. It's a lovely piece of music that inspires me to dance. A little challenging, but once you've got it. You've got it!!
I thought all the turning would confuse the dancers but once they realized that all the turns bring you to the next wall to your right, they got it.. It's a lovely piece of music that inspires me to dance. A little challenging, but once you've got it. You've got it!!
28th Jan 2023
I was asked to teach this and did to my Improver class who found all the changes of direction difficult and more so as the music went on as it is quite
disorientating after a while. Personally I found the music dull. They seemed to enjoy it so perhaps a few more weeks will help with the orientation.
I was asked to teach this and did to my Improver class who found all the changes of direction difficult and more so as the music went on as it is quite
disorientating after a while. Personally I found the music dull. They seemed to enjoy it so perhaps a few more weeks will help with the orientation.
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