Cha Lay Low
Rep Ghazali-Meaney (UK) . March 2013
Choreographed By
Blake Shelton
Choreographed to
Lay Low (view all dances to this track)
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Reviews of Cha Lay Low.
La Marina
23rd Apr 2013
Lovely improver dance to a super country track, went down really well today.
Lovely improver dance to a super country track, went down really well today.
23rd Apr 2013
Very nice cha cha from Rep with a cheeky restart on the 5th wall, the dance flows well & is just a little bit different. The restart is easy enough to spot, give it a go to see what I mean by cheeky, nothing to hard but it will make you think, all in all a good dance.
Very nice cha cha from Rep with a cheeky restart on the 5th wall, the dance flows well & is just a little bit different. The restart is easy enough to spot, give it a go to see what I mean by cheeky, nothing to hard but it will make you think, all in all a good dance.
Exeter EX48NB
12th Apr 2013
This is a fab little dance ,music great . Also some neat steps though I would place it as a Improvers . Class liked it . Great to do to live bands .
This is a fab little dance ,music great . Also some neat steps though I would place it as a Improvers . Class liked it . Great to do to live bands .
9th Apr 2013
A nice Improver Cha from Rep to a great Blake Shelton track... Flows great and with 1 easy restart too.. Gone well in class...
A nice Improver Cha from Rep to a great Blake Shelton track... Flows great and with 1 easy restart too.. Gone well in class...
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