You Can Hear A Heart Break
Choreographed By
Tony Ramey
Choreographed to
You Can Hear A Heart Break (view all dances to this track)
7 (view)
Main Chart Position
Intermediate Chart Position
Established Chart Position
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Reviews of You Can Hear A Heart Break.
13th Nov 2021
I taught this dance for the first time to my class and what a response, the 🚶♀️ steps fit perfectly and vocals are very moving, not a dance to be missed.
I taught this dance for the first time to my class and what a response, the 🚶♀️ steps fit perfectly and vocals are very moving, not a dance to be missed.
13th Nov 2021
I taught this dance for the first time to my class and what a response, the 🚶♀️ steps fit perfectly and vocals are very moving, not a dance to be missed.
I taught this dance for the first time to my class and what a response, the 🚶♀️ steps fit perfectly and vocals are very moving, not a dance to be missed.
13th Aug 2021
La Marina
31st Jul 2021
Simply beautiful, can't wait to teach this in September. The choreography fits the music perfectly.
Simply beautiful, can't wait to teach this in September. The choreography fits the music perfectly.
22nd Jun 2021
I am just so impressed how the choreographers have interpreted the music as the steps fit so perfectly. eg. clicking the fingers when the pin drops, touching foot in & out on the ticking of the clock. Brilliant. Its marked as an Intermediate dance but don't be put off as its not a difficult dance & although the lyrics are rather sad it feels nice to dance & flows well with the music.
I am just so impressed how the choreographers have interpreted the music as the steps fit so perfectly. eg. clicking the fingers when the pin drops, touching foot in & out on the ticking of the clock. Brilliant. Its marked as an Intermediate dance but don't be put off as its not a difficult dance & although the lyrics are rather sad it feels nice to dance & flows well with the music.
6th Jun 2021
Lovely dance to a beautiful track and particularly like the half shuffling turns which is new to my class.
I taught this as soon as it came out but it didnt seem to take off. Glad to see it is finally being recognised
in the charts,
Lovely dance to a beautiful track and particularly like the half shuffling turns which is new to my class.
I taught this as soon as it came out but it didnt seem to take off. Glad to see it is finally being recognised
in the charts,
18th May 2021
A beautiful dance to a beautiful song it’s on my teach list for our return to the dance floor.
A beautiful dance to a beautiful song it’s on my teach list for our return to the dance floor.
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