Cabo San Lucas
Rep Ghazali-Meaney (UK) . October 2008
Choreographed By
Toby Keith
Choreographed to
Cabo San Lucas (view all dances to this track) 

4 (view)
Main Chart Position
Beginner Chart Position
Vintage Chart Position
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Reviews of Cabo San Lucas.

9th Jul 2009
Taught at studio . mixed reaction from dancers . Think could soon get fed up with the track . I myself like it .
Taught at studio . mixed reaction from dancers . Think could soon get fed up with the track . I myself like it .

8th Jul 2009
This dance was brought to my attention recently, have given it to my intermediate classes who like it, also showcased it at a workshop on 4th July. (Although some had already done it, it was still new to others, you never know who is going to turn up at these events).
This dance was brought to my attention recently, have given it to my intermediate classes who like it, also showcased it at a workshop on 4th July. (Although some had already done it, it was still new to others, you never know who is going to turn up at these events).

20th May 2009
Brill definate dance that will last
Brill definate dance that will last

23rd Feb 2009
hmmmmmmm my classes must be the only ones found the music a bit dull. sorry.
hmmmmmmm my classes must be the only ones found the music a bit dull. sorry.

Exeter EX48NB
1st Feb 2009
super little dance good for improver level
super little dance good for improver level

21st Jan 2009
Taught this dance last night to my intermediate class and it went down really well. Nice flowing dance to a lovely piece of music... hope it reaches the Top 20 as it deserves too!
Taught this dance last night to my intermediate class and it went down really well. Nice flowing dance to a lovely piece of music... hope it reaches the Top 20 as it deserves too!

Birchington, Kent
12th Sep 2013
Doing this again. Music is lovely but to me the dance does not flow obviously and it is easy to forget where you are and go wrong.
Doing this again. Music is lovely but to me the dance does not flow obviously and it is easy to forget where you are and go wrong.

10th Dec 2008
We are loving Cabo San Lucas in my classes - the intermediates are enjoying it just as much as the improvers (but it is too hard for my beginners!)..well done Rep.
We are loving Cabo San Lucas in my classes - the intermediates are enjoying it just as much as the improvers (but it is too hard for my beginners!)..well done Rep.

10th Nov 2008
Beautiful dance Rep, enjoyed by all my classes.
Beautiful dance Rep, enjoyed by all my classes.

3rd Nov 2008
Taught 27/10/08 Nice easy beginners dance, flows well to the music, all my Easy classes enjoyed it!!Well worth doing foe an easy class.
Taught 27/10/08 Nice easy beginners dance, flows well to the music, all my Easy classes enjoyed it!!Well worth doing foe an easy class.
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