Three Minute Love Affair
Diana Dawson (UK) . April 2017
Choreographed By
Whitney Rose
Choreographed to
Three Minute Love Affair (view all dances to this track)
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Reviews of Three Minute Love Affair.
2nd Aug 2017
Very nice dance that we feel fits so well to the track.
Classes like it alot. Hope it really takes off.
Another enjoyable and achievable dance Diana.
Worth a five star
Western lines.
Classes like it alot. Hope it really takes off.
Another enjoyable and achievable dance Diana.
Worth a five star
Western lines.
Very nice dance that we feel fits so well to the track.
Classes like it alot. Hope it really takes off.
Another enjoyable and achievable dance Diana.
Worth a five star
Western lines.
Classes like it alot. Hope it really takes off.
Another enjoyable and achievable dance Diana.
Worth a five star
Western lines.
9th Jun 2017
Fabulous true improver level dance, no tags or restarts and a steady beautiful melody throughout. Just one tricky bit with a cross 1/2 turn cross but because the music is steady everyone can achieve. If you or yours liked Pretty Flower Girl and Disappearing Tail Lights they will love this.
Fabulous true improver level dance, no tags or restarts and a steady beautiful melody throughout. Just one tricky bit with a cross 1/2 turn cross but because the music is steady everyone can achieve. If you or yours liked Pretty Flower Girl and Disappearing Tail Lights they will love this.
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