Mind Over Matter
Choreographed By
Dean Ray
Choreographed to
Coming Back (view all dances to this track) 

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Reviews of Mind Over Matter.

16th Mar 2016
Nice dance, Thought the music was a little weak when I first heard it on the video but it's certainly not. Definitely worth doing.
Nice dance, Thought the music was a little weak when I first heard it on the video but it's certainly not. Definitely worth doing.

29th Oct 2015
Awesome dance to a great piece of music, certain to be a hit throughout the classes.
Awesome dance to a great piece of music, certain to be a hit throughout the classes.

23rd Sep 2015
Niels Poulson & Simon Ward have collaborated very well to come up with this first class dance.
No difficult steps but dance requires a bit of concentration the first few times through.
The second tag (easy 4 count) followed by a restart fits brilliantly with a break in the music.
Our class have been dancing this for several weeks now and it is a firm favourite. An excellent dance to brilliant music.
No difficult steps but dance requires a bit of concentration the first few times through.
The second tag (easy 4 count) followed by a restart fits brilliantly with a break in the music.
Our class have been dancing this for several weeks now and it is a firm favourite. An excellent dance to brilliant music.
Niels Poulson & Simon Ward have collaborated very well to come up with this first class dance.
No difficult steps but dance requires a bit of concentration the first few times through.
The second tag (easy 4 count) followed by a restart fits brilliantly with a break in the music.
Our class have been dancing this for several weeks now and it is a firm favourite. An excellent dance to brilliant music.
No difficult steps but dance requires a bit of concentration the first few times through.
The second tag (easy 4 count) followed by a restart fits brilliantly with a break in the music.
Our class have been dancing this for several weeks now and it is a firm favourite. An excellent dance to brilliant music.

19th Aug 2015
This has been well received at my class. The track has a good beat to dance to and several commented on how well it fitted the music. The tag and restarts weren't too much of a problem although I did offer a non-turning option for the tag. Would recommend for any who have intermediate classes.
This has been well received at my class. The track has a good beat to dance to and several commented on how well it fitted the music. The tag and restarts weren't too much of a problem although I did offer a non-turning option for the tag. Would recommend for any who have intermediate classes.

19th Aug 2015
This has been well received at my class. The track has a good beat to dance to and several commented on how well it fitted the music. The tag and restarts weren't too much of a problem although I did offer a non-turning option for the tag. Would recommend for any who have intermediate classes.
This has been well received at my class. The track has a good beat to dance to and several commented on how well it fitted the music. The tag and restarts weren't too much of a problem although I did offer a non-turning option for the tag. Would recommend for any who have intermediate classes.
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