Zee Zee
Choreographed By
ZZ Ward
Choreographed to
If I Could Be Her (view all dances to this track) 

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Reviews of Zee Zee.

2nd Jul 2014
Nice dance that fits great to the music. Some of the class found the Ball step hitch in the last section difficult to go into after the heel bounces, but the dance was a hit with all the class
Nice dance that fits great to the music. Some of the class found the Ball step hitch in the last section difficult to go into after the heel bounces, but the dance was a hit with all the class

10th Aug 2014
Good choice of music and steps in this dance from Ria and Vivienne. Class struggled with making sure weight stayed on right foot after the heel bounces. Enjoyed by all.
Good choice of music and steps in this dance from Ria and Vivienne. Class struggled with making sure weight stayed on right foot after the heel bounces. Enjoyed by all.

11th Jul 2014
I really like this dance, music a bit different and some interesting step patterns too.last 2 sections need a bit of practice but once mastered they fit really well.Good response from class so all good!
I really like this dance, music a bit different and some interesting step patterns too.last 2 sections need a bit of practice but once mastered they fit really well.Good response from class so all good!

3rd Jul 2014
Ria and Vivienne have phrased their steps imaginatively to this great track, making good use of syncopation.Section five and six are particularly interesting. This dance was a big hit with my intermediates. Highly recommended.
Ria and Vivienne have phrased their steps imaginatively to this great track, making good use of syncopation.Section five and six are particularly interesting. This dance was a big hit with my intermediates. Highly recommended.

3rd Jul 2014
Ria phrases her steps imaginatively to this great track making good use of syncopation. Section five and six are particularly interesting. The dance was a big hit with my intermediates. Highly recommended.
Ria phrases her steps imaginatively to this great track making good use of syncopation. Section five and six are particularly interesting. The dance was a big hit with my intermediates. Highly recommended.
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