Maggie Gallagher (UK) . October 2008
Choreographed By
Britney Spears
Choreographed to
Womaniser (view all dances to this track) 

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Reviews of Womaniser.

15th Jan 2009
Love the music and the dance but missed the teaches so taught myself. Struggle with the timing and like the guy in Dad's Army am always out of sync then just get it right for the last 2 walls or so. Good news is so are 90% of others!. When I first started line dancing I struggled with any dance that had this sort of step so looks like some things haven't changed
Love the music and the dance but missed the teaches so taught myself. Struggle with the timing and like the guy in Dad's Army am always out of sync then just get it right for the last 2 walls or so. Good news is so are 90% of others!. When I first started line dancing I struggled with any dance that had this sort of step so looks like some things haven't changed

14th Jan 2009
this kinda reminds me of Headphones... which I luvved. class are enjoyed a slightly mashed version of the song I use. Just adds a bit of spunk to an otherwise busy track! Great dance!
this kinda reminds me of Headphones... which I luvved. class are enjoyed a slightly mashed version of the song I use. Just adds a bit of spunk to an otherwise busy track! Great dance!

6th Jan 2009
I don't like Britney Spears but as Michelle Cooper says the music grows on you - i really like the dance
I don't like Britney Spears but as Michelle Cooper says the music grows on you - i really like the dance

26th Nov 2008
been teaching this dance for the last couple of weeks.really nice dance,wasnt sure of music,but does grow on you.well done,class loves it
been teaching this dance for the last couple of weeks.really nice dance,wasnt sure of music,but does grow on you.well done,class loves it
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