Better With You
Choreographed By
Kris Allen
Choreographed to
Better With You (view all dances to this track)
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Reviews of Better With You.
10th Jan 2013
sorry forgot to submit rating,Oops
sorry forgot to submit rating,Oops
10th Jan 2013
Totally agree with David on this one,just wish I'd done it sooner.This dance has a lot going for it interesting combo of steps,48 counts makes for a nice change, pace of music is just right for all to enjoy,and written by two excellant choreographers.I am sure this will become a class staple over the coming months.
Totally agree with David on this one,just wish I'd done it sooner.This dance has a lot going for it interesting combo of steps,48 counts makes for a nice change, pace of music is just right for all to enjoy,and written by two excellant choreographers.I am sure this will become a class staple over the coming months.
29th Nov 2012
A flowing, well choreographed dance by Ria and Dee to a cool track with a punchy beat. The rhythm of the music just makes you want to dance.
A flowing, well choreographed dance by Ria and Dee to a cool track with a punchy beat. The rhythm of the music just makes you want to dance.
28th Nov 2012
I wish there were more 48 count dances! Often a bit more interesting than some 32 counters but they don't take so long to teach and recap as the 64 counters. I love the faster side touch, quarter turn touch steps at the end of section 2. Although there are two restarts and one tag these are straightforward and all out the way after the first 3 walls. Nice one Ria and Dee.
I wish there were more 48 count dances! Often a bit more interesting than some 32 counters but they don't take so long to teach and recap as the 64 counters. I love the faster side touch, quarter turn touch steps at the end of section 2. Although there are two restarts and one tag these are straightforward and all out the way after the first 3 walls. Nice one Ria and Dee.
2nd Mar 2013
Loved this little well structured dance, duel choreography by Ria Vos & Dee Musk. again a winner & a floor filler I believe, done to catchy happy music, good luck with this one.Jackie Jacotine
Loved this little well structured dance, duel choreography by Ria Vos & Dee Musk. again a winner & a floor filler I believe, done to catchy happy music, good luck with this one.Jackie Jacotine
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