Niels Poulsen (Denmark) . March 2014
Choreographed By
Emmelie De Forest
Choreographed to
Rainmaker (view all dances to this track) 

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Reviews of Rainmaker.

29th Apr 2014
Great dance to fab music, first look at script was hesitant, but fits perfectly, and class love it too, :-)
Great dance to fab music, first look at script was hesitant, but fits perfectly, and class love it too, :-)

25th Apr 2014
Really loving this dance and music and yes classes do too! Fits the music perfectly and everyone is smiling, just as it should be! Great stuff Niels.
Really loving this dance and music and yes classes do too! Fits the music perfectly and everyone is smiling, just as it should be! Great stuff Niels.

22nd Apr 2014
taught this last week, great track, something a little different than the norm. love the dance too
taught this last week, great track, something a little different than the norm. love the dance too

West Midlands
19th Apr 2014
Lovely dance to a greattrack, the dance fits the music well
Lovely dance to a greattrack, the dance fits the music well

West Midlands
17th Apr 2014
This dance flows perfectly with the music, not a hard teach and once you remember the ending follows the restart wall 6 no problem. round of applause at the end says it all.
This dance flows perfectly with the music, not a hard teach and once you remember the ending follows the restart wall 6 no problem. round of applause at the end says it all.

16th Apr 2014
Great dance that fits the music perfectly. Lovely track, easy teach and was a big hit with our class. Deserves to be a floor filler
Great dance that fits the music perfectly. Lovely track, easy teach and was a big hit with our class. Deserves to be a floor filler

9th May 2014
No "wow" factor for us either. We tried for a couple of weeks but it didn't grow - sorry! Last 16 counts were fun but the general opinion was not to continue with it.
No "wow" factor for us either. We tried for a couple of weeks but it didn't grow - sorry! Last 16 counts were fun but the general opinion was not to continue with it.

8th May 2014
Mixed response to this the first week I taught it. I think the last two sections fit the music really well although some in the class weren't so keen on the knee pops. Also there was a bit of hesitation at first going into the cross quarter turn after the first 16 counts. After a couple of weeks the general opinion from the class seems to be that it is one they will get up and dance but it doesn't really have the "wow" factor for them.
Mixed response to this the first week I taught it. I think the last two sections fit the music really well although some in the class weren't so keen on the knee pops. Also there was a bit of hesitation at first going into the cross quarter turn after the first 16 counts. After a couple of weeks the general opinion from the class seems to be that it is one they will get up and dance but it doesn't really have the "wow" factor for them.

8th May 2014
not 100% of my intermediate class loved this >> i think its one of them that "grow on us" the music is different the re-starts are easy the direction change ending is a well choreographed.
not 100% of my intermediate class loved this >> i think its one of them that "grow on us" the music is different the re-starts are easy the direction change ending is a well choreographed.

7th May 2014
This dance has a really nice flow to it, and fits the music well.. Nothing too complicated, and will be a floor filler for sure.
This dance has a really nice flow to it, and fits the music well.. Nothing too complicated, and will be a floor filler for sure.

2nd May 2014
For those of you who picked up on 'High Cotton' you won't be surprised that Niels has done it again. There is a superb feel and phrasing of his dances to the music and this one's a gem. Music is gorgeous, some quirky steps and fun to dance.
For those of you who picked up on 'High Cotton' you won't be surprised that Niels has done it again. There is a superb feel and phrasing of his dances to the music and this one's a gem. Music is gorgeous, some quirky steps and fun to dance.

1st May 2014
Unusual music. Dance fits superbly with knee pops making it fun to do. This has been very well received and I think it'll be a real hit. Well done Niels!
Unusual music. Dance fits superbly with knee pops making it fun to do. This has been very well received and I think it'll be a real hit. Well done Niels!

19th Jun 2014
Brilliant dance fits perfectly to the music and its fun. We have been dancing it for a few weeks and it just gets better.Once you dance it to the music all subtle timing changes fall into place. Great dance Niels I hope it goes to No 1
Brilliant dance fits perfectly to the music and its fun. We have been dancing it for a few weeks and it just gets better.Once you dance it to the music all subtle timing changes fall into place. Great dance Niels I hope it goes to No 1

18th Jun 2014
Don't be put off by the script, looks much harder than it is. Dance not difficult, music sounds rather African. Is just remembering the sequence of 2 re-starts and turn of last rock & cross twice to bring a finish on front wall. Well worth the effort.
Don't be put off by the script, looks much harder than it is. Dance not difficult, music sounds rather African. Is just remembering the sequence of 2 re-starts and turn of last rock & cross twice to bring a finish on front wall. Well worth the effort.

24th May 2014
Just learned this dance at my Monday class..first impressions were;liked it...loved it. Great piece of music that fits the dance perfectly. Nothing too difficult ...though I must say that the script had me baffled at first.Yeahhh can't wait to dance it again👯👍
Just learned this dance at my Monday class..first impressions were;liked it...loved it. Great piece of music that fits the dance perfectly. Nothing too difficult ...though I must say that the script had me baffled at first.Yeahhh can't wait to dance it again👯👍

20th May 2014
Fabulous dance and not a hard teach at all, just a lot to remember when first learning the dance. The change step on wall 7 needs some practise, along with wall 8. Great track with a couple of rhythm changes to keep it interesting. The dance fits brilliantly. I am sure on a cooler evening and a 2nd teach the dance will be flowing. Looking forward to week 2.
Fabulous dance and not a hard teach at all, just a lot to remember when first learning the dance. The change step on wall 7 needs some practise, along with wall 8. Great track with a couple of rhythm changes to keep it interesting. The dance fits brilliantly. I am sure on a cooler evening and a 2nd teach the dance will be flowing. Looking forward to week 2.

14th Apr 2014
A great dance which combines basic step sequences in an interesting way to an addictive track of music. Nothing difficult or too complicated. Two restarts. On the second side rock cross of wall 7, you make turn a quarter turn to the right. The last sixteen steps are then repeated with another quarter side rock cross to take you back to the front wall. Should be a floor filler.
A great dance which combines basic step sequences in an interesting way to an addictive track of music. Nothing difficult or too complicated. Two restarts. On the second side rock cross of wall 7, you make turn a quarter turn to the right. The last sixteen steps are then repeated with another quarter side rock cross to take you back to the front wall. Should be a floor filler.

14th Apr 2014
Agree with Wendy, surely this is going to be a winner. Script looks a bit complicated at first glance. The dance flows really nicely throughout, with easy leads into to the 32 count sections. The final 2x 16 count needs a little thinking about to turn you back to the 12.00 wall. I'm sure this going to be enjoyed on dance floors around UK. Well done Niels, thanks from Llandudno.
Agree with Wendy, surely this is going to be a winner. Script looks a bit complicated at first glance. The dance flows really nicely throughout, with easy leads into to the 32 count sections. The final 2x 16 count needs a little thinking about to turn you back to the 12.00 wall. I'm sure this going to be enjoyed on dance floors around UK. Well done Niels, thanks from Llandudno.

13th Apr 2014
Update on Rainmaker. The teach went really well and was readily remembered by all. Even better after second time round, big hit! Thanks Niels.
Update on Rainmaker. The teach went really well and was readily remembered by all. Even better after second time round, big hit! Thanks Niels.

10th Apr 2014
Ignore what it looks like on paper, this is a fabulous dance and brilliant track. Can't wait to put it in tonight they are going to love it. Niels has written a top ten dance I wish I could give it ten stars. Good luck with it Niels.
Ignore what it looks like on paper, this is a fabulous dance and brilliant track. Can't wait to put it in tonight they are going to love it. Niels has written a top ten dance I wish I could give it ten stars. Good luck with it Niels.

14th Jun 2014
This dance fits well to the music and nothing in the choreography that makes it too difficult for high level improver and intermediate dancers. I called the counts towards the end of each wall as felt that this was quite tricky especially the hold after the side rock crosses in section 6. I found that towards the end of the dance when you repeat the last 16 counts it was quite difficult going into section 5 with the fast side rock cross when the dance has a slow side rock at the start. However that said! Great dance that keeps you interested.
This dance fits well to the music and nothing in the choreography that makes it too difficult for high level improver and intermediate dancers. I called the counts towards the end of each wall as felt that this was quite tricky especially the hold after the side rock crosses in section 6. I found that towards the end of the dance when you repeat the last 16 counts it was quite difficult going into section 5 with the fast side rock cross when the dance has a slow side rock at the start. However that said! Great dance that keeps you interested.
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