Baby Blues
Tina Argyle (UK) . November 2014
Choreographed By
Delbert McClinton
Choreographed to
Blues About You Baby (view all dances to this track) 

Alternate track
Blues About You Baby (view all dances to this track) 

1 (view)
Main Chart Position
Improver Chart Position
Vintage Chart Position
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Reviews of Baby Blues.

Guernsey, Channel Islands
28th Apr 2008
Great little dance to a good lively "Country Rock" song. I would give a five if you still had "boots" to award!
Great little dance to a good lively "Country Rock" song. I would give a five if you still had "boots" to award!

Birchington, Kent
14th Mar 2013
Dance it to Plain Loco's version
Dance it to Plain Loco's version

27th May 2008
Saw this danced in Blackpool recently and lots of people seem to know it. I love the music and the dance. A real floor filler!
Saw this danced in Blackpool recently and lots of people seem to know it. I love the music and the dance. A real floor filler!

Guernsey, Channel Islands
28th Apr 2008
Great little dance to a good lively "Country Rock" song. I would give a five if you still had "boots" to award!
Great little dance to a good lively "Country Rock" song. I would give a five if you still had "boots" to award!

Birchington, Kent
14th Mar 2013
Dance it to Plain Loco's version
Dance it to Plain Loco's version

27th May 2008
Saw this danced in Blackpool recently and lots of people seem to know it. I love the music and the dance. A real floor filler!
Saw this danced in Blackpool recently and lots of people seem to know it. I love the music and the dance. A real floor filler!
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