Like A Lover
Ria Vos (Netherlands) . April 2014
Choreographed By
Choreographed to
Love Me Like A Lover Should (view all dances to this track)
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Reviews of Like A Lover.
4th Jun 2014
I agree with everything you've said Christine, great beat and and steps hit it perfect. The tags are the last 16 repeated. I'm just surprised more people haven't picked up on it..
I agree with everything you've said Christine, great beat and and steps hit it perfect. The tags are the last 16 repeated. I'm just surprised more people haven't picked up on it..
18th Apr 2014
Another fabulous dance from Ria with flowing,creative sequences of steps which hit the beat perfectly. Written to a beaty, mid tempo track.Particularly enjoyed section two to section four. There are three tags which can be heard easily. This should be a big hit.
Another fabulous dance from Ria with flowing,creative sequences of steps which hit the beat perfectly. Written to a beaty, mid tempo track.Particularly enjoyed section two to section four. There are three tags which can be heard easily. This should be a big hit.
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