High Cotton
Niels Poulsen (Denmark) . October 2013
Choreographed By
Choreographed to
High Cotton (view all dances to this track) 

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Reviews of High Cotton.

21st Mar 2014
What a great dance...classes love it I'm sure its going to do really well.
What a great dance...classes love it I'm sure its going to do really well.

15th Mar 2014
Great dance, nice music really catchy,the whole class loved it, i hope this does well and i hope to see this done on lots of socials.
Great dance, nice music really catchy,the whole class loved it, i hope this does well and i hope to see this done on lots of socials.

West Midlands
14th Feb 2014
Good improver dance, went down well, nothing difficult, easy teach. Nice music, filled the floor each time it was played.
Good improver dance, went down well, nothing difficult, easy teach. Nice music, filled the floor each time it was played.

11th Dec 2013
A great catchy piece of music with steps that have enough interest, syncopation and turns for most. Love the run and walk sequence, fits perfectly to the track. Hope this does as well as 1-2-3-4.
A great catchy piece of music with steps that have enough interest, syncopation and turns for most. Love the run and walk sequence, fits perfectly to the track. Hope this does as well as 1-2-3-4.
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