Niels Poulsen (Denmark) . November 2010
Choreographed By
Ann Tayler
Choreographed to
1-2-3 (view all dances to this track) 

1 (view)
Main Chart Position
Improver Chart Position
Vintage Chart Position
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Reviews of 1-2-3-4.

22nd Apr 2011
I've taught this dance at some of my classes and everyone seems to enjoy it so much that they are asking for the dance at classes. The dance fits the song really well and the jazz boxes with the toe struts fits great when the singer sings 1 2 3 4 which helps with the timing. Even the 12 count tags fits like a dream during wall 6. Well worth taking the time to learn the dance even with the 3 tags.
I've taught this dance at some of my classes and everyone seems to enjoy it so much that they are asking for the dance at classes. The dance fits the song really well and the jazz boxes with the toe struts fits great when the singer sings 1 2 3 4 which helps with the timing. Even the 12 count tags fits like a dream during wall 6. Well worth taking the time to learn the dance even with the 3 tags.

1st Apr 2011
Great dance with good step combinations that fit well to the country track.The tags and restart are easy and if you get lost Ann Tayler counts you back in.Deserves to do well, especially as people come off the floor smiling.Nice one Niels
Great dance with good step combinations that fit well to the country track.The tags and restart are easy and if you get lost Ann Tayler counts you back in.Deserves to do well, especially as people come off the floor smiling.Nice one Niels

9th Mar 2011
I have now taught this at all my classes and as I thought they loved. No problems with the restarts or ending. If u listen to the music it tell u where & when. No doubt we will be dancing this at weekend
I have now taught this at all my classes and as I thought they loved. No problems with the restarts or ending. If u listen to the music it tell u where & when. No doubt we will be dancing this at weekend

6th Mar 2011
A nice dance to a very catchy piece of music by Ann Tayler. Nice easy teach and enjoyed by everyone. Two very easy tags at the end of walls 1 & 3 and the 12 count tag part way through wall 6 which is easy to master. There is an 'ending' to this dance which is NOT in the Linedancer script but is danced in the 'Watch & Learn' video - at the end of wall 8 repeat the last 16 steps to finish the dance facing the home wall. (scipts on other sites have this written in - sorry LD)This is another floor filler.
A nice dance to a very catchy piece of music by Ann Tayler. Nice easy teach and enjoyed by everyone. Two very easy tags at the end of walls 1 & 3 and the 12 count tag part way through wall 6 which is easy to master. There is an 'ending' to this dance which is NOT in the Linedancer script but is danced in the 'Watch & Learn' video - at the end of wall 8 repeat the last 16 steps to finish the dance facing the home wall. (scipts on other sites have this written in - sorry LD)This is another floor filler.

28th Feb 2011
Great track, dance just bounces along with it and you have a floor of happy dancers! I can see why this has become so popular very quickly!
Great track, dance just bounces along with it and you have a floor of happy dancers! I can see why this has become so popular very quickly!

23rd Feb 2011
Taught this last night.They got it very easily.Yes there are tags,but the short tags are on the back wall & as Lesley said, 12 count one is on home wall SIMPLES!!! Terrific music & steps fit a treat.
Taught this last night.They got it very easily.Yes there are tags,but the short tags are on the back wall & as Lesley said, 12 count one is on home wall SIMPLES!!! Terrific music & steps fit a treat.

21st Jul 2011
like it very much both classes did, we another dance a few years ago to the same music but thanks to jane for doing this one with my class when i was out of action
like it very much both classes did, we another dance a few years ago to the same music but thanks to jane for doing this one with my class when i was out of action

28th Jun 2011
great dance , lively dance and music. well done we love it
great dance , lively dance and music. well done we love it

13th Jun 2011
brilliant dance the class just love it...real good goin music too
brilliant dance the class just love it...real good goin music too

30th May 2011
FANTASTIC, FUN dance enjoyed by all. Brilliant choreography by Niels to a great country track by Ann Tayler. DO NOT let the tags put you off music tells you plus they are easy to pick out. It all fits perfectly. This dance is so worth teaching as it is a great sing a long track. Hope big hit for you Niels.
FANTASTIC, FUN dance enjoyed by all. Brilliant choreography by Niels to a great country track by Ann Tayler. DO NOT let the tags put you off music tells you plus they are easy to pick out. It all fits perfectly. This dance is so worth teaching as it is a great sing a long track. Hope big hit for you Niels.

10th May 2011
Our beginners learned this in their second half year. They had to dance it as a show-dance when our linedance-club finished for the season. It went so very well, that we thaught it again now in may for the summer-dance. High five to Niels for this one.... Another fine dance by Niels is "Something In The Water"
Our beginners learned this in their second half year. They had to dance it as a show-dance when our linedance-club finished for the season. It went so very well, that we thaught it again now in may for the summer-dance. High five to Niels for this one.... Another fine dance by Niels is "Something In The Water"

4th May 2011
Wasn't sure how much my class would like this so had held off from teaching it, but it seemed to go down quite well. When you explain the tags, ending etc it sounds a little daunting but turns out to be quite easy.
Wasn't sure how much my class would like this so had held off from teaching it, but it seemed to go down quite well. When you explain the tags, ending etc it sounds a little daunting but turns out to be quite easy.

6th Sep 2011
Finally taught this one to my improvers. Went down well with everyone. Nice catchy, feel good music.
Finally taught this one to my improvers. Went down well with everyone. Nice catchy, feel good music.

21st Aug 2011
would love to do this dance but cant get the music. its hard for some of us to get music .as i only do classes for the over 65s on a voluntry basis for the wrvs as a fund raiser also for the neonatal unit ****
would love to do this dance but cant get the music. its hard for some of us to get music .as i only do classes for the over 65s on a voluntry basis for the wrvs as a fund raiser also for the neonatal unit ****

21st Feb 2011
A good solid improver dance. Taught this to both my class and a weekend event and was very well received by all. The 12 count tag is fortunately on the home wall and was mastered quickly by everyone.
A good solid improver dance. Taught this to both my class and a weekend event and was very well received by all. The 12 count tag is fortunately on the home wall and was mastered quickly by everyone.

19th Feb 2011
fun and easy, good floor filler
fun and easy, good floor filler

16th Feb 2011
nice easy improver dance,just right for beginners also.hope more instructors teach this dance,could be a floor filler
nice easy improver dance,just right for beginners also.hope more instructors teach this dance,could be a floor filler

15th Feb 2011
Another floor filler coming up it's fun.. easy to learn ...all levels can enjoy this one
Another floor filler coming up it's fun.. easy to learn ...all levels can enjoy this one

2nd Feb 2011
This dance has gone down well with my improvers a good dance to a good track and country too.
This dance has gone down well with my improvers a good dance to a good track and country too.

22nd Apr 2011
I've taught this dance at some of my classes and everyone seems to enjoy it so much that they are asking for the dance at classes. The dance fits the song really well and the jazz boxes with the toe struts fits great when the singer sings 1 2 3 4 which helps with the timing. Even the 12 count tags fits like a dream during wall 6. Well worth taking the time to learn the dance even with the 3 tags.
I've taught this dance at some of my classes and everyone seems to enjoy it so much that they are asking for the dance at classes. The dance fits the song really well and the jazz boxes with the toe struts fits great when the singer sings 1 2 3 4 which helps with the timing. Even the 12 count tags fits like a dream during wall 6. Well worth taking the time to learn the dance even with the 3 tags.

1st Apr 2011
Great dance with good step combinations that fit well to the country track.The tags and restart are easy and if you get lost Ann Tayler counts you back in.Deserves to do well, especially as people come off the floor smiling.Nice one Niels
Great dance with good step combinations that fit well to the country track.The tags and restart are easy and if you get lost Ann Tayler counts you back in.Deserves to do well, especially as people come off the floor smiling.Nice one Niels

9th Mar 2011
I have now taught this at all my classes and as I thought they loved. No problems with the restarts or ending. If u listen to the music it tell u where & when. No doubt we will be dancing this at weekend
I have now taught this at all my classes and as I thought they loved. No problems with the restarts or ending. If u listen to the music it tell u where & when. No doubt we will be dancing this at weekend

6th Mar 2011
A nice dance to a very catchy piece of music by Ann Tayler. Nice easy teach and enjoyed by everyone. Two very easy tags at the end of walls 1 & 3 and the 12 count tag part way through wall 6 which is easy to master. There is an 'ending' to this dance which is NOT in the Linedancer script but is danced in the 'Watch & Learn' video - at the end of wall 8 repeat the last 16 steps to finish the dance facing the home wall. (scipts on other sites have this written in - sorry LD)This is another floor filler.
A nice dance to a very catchy piece of music by Ann Tayler. Nice easy teach and enjoyed by everyone. Two very easy tags at the end of walls 1 & 3 and the 12 count tag part way through wall 6 which is easy to master. There is an 'ending' to this dance which is NOT in the Linedancer script but is danced in the 'Watch & Learn' video - at the end of wall 8 repeat the last 16 steps to finish the dance facing the home wall. (scipts on other sites have this written in - sorry LD)This is another floor filler.

28th Feb 2011
Great track, dance just bounces along with it and you have a floor of happy dancers! I can see why this has become so popular very quickly!
Great track, dance just bounces along with it and you have a floor of happy dancers! I can see why this has become so popular very quickly!

23rd Feb 2011
Taught this last night.They got it very easily.Yes there are tags,but the short tags are on the back wall & as Lesley said, 12 count one is on home wall SIMPLES!!! Terrific music & steps fit a treat.
Taught this last night.They got it very easily.Yes there are tags,but the short tags are on the back wall & as Lesley said, 12 count one is on home wall SIMPLES!!! Terrific music & steps fit a treat.

21st Jul 2011
like it very much both classes did, we another dance a few years ago to the same music but thanks to jane for doing this one with my class when i was out of action
like it very much both classes did, we another dance a few years ago to the same music but thanks to jane for doing this one with my class when i was out of action

28th Jun 2011
great dance , lively dance and music. well done we love it
great dance , lively dance and music. well done we love it

13th Jun 2011
brilliant dance the class just love it...real good goin music too
brilliant dance the class just love it...real good goin music too

30th May 2011
FANTASTIC, FUN dance enjoyed by all. Brilliant choreography by Niels to a great country track by Ann Tayler. DO NOT let the tags put you off music tells you plus they are easy to pick out. It all fits perfectly. This dance is so worth teaching as it is a great sing a long track. Hope big hit for you Niels.
FANTASTIC, FUN dance enjoyed by all. Brilliant choreography by Niels to a great country track by Ann Tayler. DO NOT let the tags put you off music tells you plus they are easy to pick out. It all fits perfectly. This dance is so worth teaching as it is a great sing a long track. Hope big hit for you Niels.

10th May 2011
Our beginners learned this in their second half year. They had to dance it as a show-dance when our linedance-club finished for the season. It went so very well, that we thaught it again now in may for the summer-dance. High five to Niels for this one.... Another fine dance by Niels is "Something In The Water"
Our beginners learned this in their second half year. They had to dance it as a show-dance when our linedance-club finished for the season. It went so very well, that we thaught it again now in may for the summer-dance. High five to Niels for this one.... Another fine dance by Niels is "Something In The Water"

4th May 2011
Wasn't sure how much my class would like this so had held off from teaching it, but it seemed to go down quite well. When you explain the tags, ending etc it sounds a little daunting but turns out to be quite easy.
Wasn't sure how much my class would like this so had held off from teaching it, but it seemed to go down quite well. When you explain the tags, ending etc it sounds a little daunting but turns out to be quite easy.

6th Sep 2011
Finally taught this one to my improvers. Went down well with everyone. Nice catchy, feel good music.
Finally taught this one to my improvers. Went down well with everyone. Nice catchy, feel good music.

21st Aug 2011
would love to do this dance but cant get the music. its hard for some of us to get music .as i only do classes for the over 65s on a voluntry basis for the wrvs as a fund raiser also for the neonatal unit ****
would love to do this dance but cant get the music. its hard for some of us to get music .as i only do classes for the over 65s on a voluntry basis for the wrvs as a fund raiser also for the neonatal unit ****

21st Feb 2011
A good solid improver dance. Taught this to both my class and a weekend event and was very well received by all. The 12 count tag is fortunately on the home wall and was mastered quickly by everyone.
A good solid improver dance. Taught this to both my class and a weekend event and was very well received by all. The 12 count tag is fortunately on the home wall and was mastered quickly by everyone.

19th Feb 2011
fun and easy, good floor filler
fun and easy, good floor filler

16th Feb 2011
nice easy improver dance,just right for beginners also.hope more instructors teach this dance,could be a floor filler
nice easy improver dance,just right for beginners also.hope more instructors teach this dance,could be a floor filler

15th Feb 2011
Another floor filler coming up it's fun.. easy to learn ...all levels can enjoy this one
Another floor filler coming up it's fun.. easy to learn ...all levels can enjoy this one

2nd Feb 2011
This dance has gone down well with my improvers a good dance to a good track and country too.
This dance has gone down well with my improvers a good dance to a good track and country too.
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