The One You're Waiting On
Maddison Glover (Australia) . June 2017
Choreographed By
Alan Jackson
Choreographed to
The One You're Waiting On (view all dances to this track) 

2 (view)
Main Chart Position
Intermediate Chart Position
Vintage Chart Position
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Reviews of The One You're Waiting On.

18th Feb 2018
this is such a lovely dance and feels nice to dance to , just cant believe this is not in the top 10 dances
this is such a lovely dance and feels nice to dance to , just cant believe this is not in the top 10 dances

14th Sep 2017
Mairi McFarlane
Lovely music lovely dance. Both bring the hairs up on the back of my neck. Deserves to do well Maddison!
Lovely music lovely dance. Both bring the hairs up on the back of my neck. Deserves to do well Maddison!
Mairi McFarlane
Lovely music lovely dance. Both bring the hairs up on the back of my neck. Deserves to do well Maddison!
Lovely music lovely dance. Both bring the hairs up on the back of my neck. Deserves to do well Maddison!

11th Aug 2017
Love it ! A brilliant Alan Jackson track and a nightclub to match. Fairly easy teach due to repetitition..........deserves to be a winner.
Love it ! A brilliant Alan Jackson track and a nightclub to match. Fairly easy teach due to repetitition..........deserves to be a winner.

20th Jul 2017
Smashing dance to a great Alan Jackson track. Flows along to the music with an easy tag. Deserves to do well
Smashing dance to a great Alan Jackson track. Flows along to the music with an easy tag. Deserves to do well
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