Guess It's Over
Dee Musk (UK) . May 2008
Choreographed By
Johnny Mathis and Deniece Williams
Choreographed to
Too Much Too Little Too Late (view all dances to this track) 

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Reviews of Guess It's Over.

24th Aug 2008
Sorry it's taken me so long to review this dance! Dee taught this at P & A's Ladies In Line and we taught it the very next day! It's requested just about every week at class - great dance to a great song - more people should be doing this dance! Again a nightclub so one of my favourite styles! Well done Dee!
Sorry it's taken me so long to review this dance! Dee taught this at P & A's Ladies In Line and we taught it the very next day! It's requested just about every week at class - great dance to a great song - more people should be doing this dance! Again a nightclub so one of my favourite styles! Well done Dee!
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