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Choreographed By
Niels Poulsen (Denmark). June 2023
Taylor Moss
Choreographed to
99 (view)
Main Chart Position
Intermediate Chart Position
Established Chart Position
Taught By
1 (view)

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Reviews of Ghosted.

Inger Torgersen
20th Sep 2023
Sorry; don’t like the dance and not the music either..
Sorry; don’t like the dance and not the music either..

chris clews
West Midlands
22nd Aug 2023
Well done with this dance. You must have got something right for it to have got this far. I hope it gets to number one. Love it
Well done with this dance. You must have got something right for it to have got this far. I hope it gets to number one. Love it

14th Aug 2023
Great dance dance fits the.music perfectly. Love the bridge and to a cool country track
Great dance dance fits the.music perfectly. Love the bridge and to a cool country track

P Hartley
9th Aug 2023
Sorry this dance not for me . I really don't like the music . Everyone to what they like.
Sorry this dance not for me . I really don't like the music . Everyone to what they like.

Linda Castledine-davies
29th Jul 2023
Much slower than you think it will be - bit too slow for me but everyone raving about it. Too much similarity of a couple of other dances by Neils its only the section 5 replacement steps that make it ok.
Much slower than you think it will be - bit too slow for me but everyone raving about it. Too much similarity of a couple of other dances by Neils its only the section 5 replacement steps that make it ok.

Sadiah Heggernes
East Hartford, Cramlington
16th Jul 2023
My classes are loving this! Well done Niels!
My classes are loving this! Well done Niels!

South Shields
9th Jul 2023
Fun bouncy intermediate dance that flows well to the upbeat track
Fun bouncy intermediate dance that flows well to the upbeat track

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