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Saved My Soul

Choreographed By
Esmeralda van de Pol (Netherlands). March 2017
Mns Zelmerlw
Choreographed to
A Stranger Saved My Life (view all dances to this track)
5 (view)
Main Chart Position
Advanced Chart Position
Vintage Chart Position

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Reviews of Saved My Soul.

Lorraine Blake
16th Apr 2022
Gorgeous dance seen two weeks ago in Benidorm with Esmeralda (how this one passed me I dont know), beautiful track, taught this week to my Inters / Adv group.
Gorgeous dance seen two weeks ago in Benidorm with Esmeralda (how this one passed me I dont know), beautiful track, taught this week to my Inters / Adv group.

Gill Wood
6th Apr 2022

Esmeralda Bezuidenhout
24th Jun 2019
Mooie dans en muziek
super danse beautiful and music the best
Mooie dans en muziek
super danse beautiful and music the best

Julie Lockton-Broy
29th Mar 2017
Esmeralda initially released this dance back in 2011. It didn't get seen. It is an absolute gem. The music makes every hair on your skin stand on end. I asked her to re-release this dance and teach it at The Benidorm Big One, which she did, and finally...it gets the recognition it deserves. It was fantastic to be able to finally dance this dance, with my friend, with a floor full of people, rather than on our own, which we always had to do, whenever we met up ! Many congratulations to Esmeralda on the creation of this dream of a dance. Its been, along with Deeply Completely, as anyone who knows me will know, my top favourite dance of all time !! Both of them !!

Goed gedaan Esmeralda op de mooie dans uitgezonderd mijn ziel en ik dank u voor het brengen naar Benidorm Big One!!

Julie x
Esmeralda initially released this dance back in 2011. It didn't get seen. It is an absolute gem. The music makes every hair on your skin stand on end. I asked her to re-release this dance and teach it at The Benidorm Big One, which she did, and finally...it gets the recognition it deserves. It was fantastic to be able to finally dance this dance, with my friend, with a floor full of people, rather than on our own, which we always had to do, whenever we met up ! Many congratulations to Esmeralda on the creation of this dream of a dance. Its been, along with Deeply Completely, as anyone who knows me will know, my top favourite dance of all time !! Both of them !!

Goed gedaan Esmeralda op de mooie dans uitgezonderd mijn ziel en ik dank u voor het brengen naar Benidorm Big One!!

Julie x

Diane Leighan
19th Jun 2015
This dance goes back a few years and most would of "passed it by". If you did, you missed out on one of the most beautiful dances ever. Along with Deeply Completely, this dance is my all time favourite and I have just re-capped it ready for my Dutch event in September with Esmeralda. Please, if you love pretty, sweepy dances where you can just "drift away" (!), then take a look at this wonderful dance
This dance goes back a few years and most would of "passed it by". If you did, you missed out on one of the most beautiful dances ever. Along with Deeply Completely, this dance is my all time favourite and I have just re-capped it ready for my Dutch event in September with Esmeralda. Please, if you love pretty, sweepy dances where you can just "drift away" (!), then take a look at this wonderful dance

Janet Czapski
17th Oct 2011
Just learned this dance on holiday in Benidorm. The script looks quite daunting but Andrea of A & J Enterprised made a fantastic job of teaching it. It is a truly lovely song and the dance fits perfectly, well worth the effort to learn. It is now my favourite and deserves recognition.
Just learned this dance on holiday in Benidorm. The script looks quite daunting but Andrea of A & J Enterprised made a fantastic job of teaching it. It is a truly lovely song and the dance fits perfectly, well worth the effort to learn. It is now my favourite and deserves recognition.

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