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Dig Your Heels

Choreographed By
Maddison Glover (Australia). October 2016
The McClymonts
Choreographed to
Here's To You And I (view all dances to this track)
1 (view)
Main Chart Position
Intermediate Chart Position
Vintage Chart Position

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Reviews of Dig Your Heels.

28th Jul 2017
I explain its in sections, get confused looks then teach it just get smiles and approvales. Not too difficult to learn and fits brilliantly to the music. One of the best choreographed dances . Well done Maddison.
I explain its in sections, get confused looks then teach it just get smiles and approvales. Not too difficult to learn and fits brilliantly to the music. One of the best choreographed dances . Well done Maddison.

25th Jul 2017
Great dance great track and fab choreography LOVE this
Don't be put of with the sequence it's worth it welll done Maddison
Great dance great track and fab choreography LOVE this
Don't be put of with the sequence it's worth it welll done Maddison

Ethel Ramsey
South Shields
9th Apr 2017
Love this dance, well thought out fits the music, quite an easy teach once the class got used to the change in tempo, hope it stays around for a long time
Love this dance, well thought out fits the music, quite an easy teach once the class got used to the change in tempo, hope it stays around for a long time

Viv Smith
28th Mar 2017
Love this dance, so easy to do the sections ... Wish it would stay around longer to enjoy ??
Love this dance, so easy to do the sections ... Wish it would stay around longer to enjoy ??

Jenny Smith
17th Mar 2017
Fab Fab Fab sections fit together perfectly and a great ending - working through all the levels in one of my clubs we start with Maddy's Rocket to The Sun and will be ending with this one come Monday!
Fab Fab Fab sections fit together perfectly and a great ending - working through all the levels in one of my clubs we start with Maddy's Rocket to The Sun and will be ending with this one come Monday!

Lynne Williams
23rd Feb 2017
A sure fire hit and loved by many already, lots already posted on this one just don't be put off by the phrasing it all works beautifully.
A sure fire hit and loved by many already, lots already posted on this one just don't be put off by the phrasing it all works beautifully.

Karl Harry Winson
17th Feb 2017
Loving this dance by Maddison. Don't be put off by the phrasing, it's not as tricky as it looks. Well worth learning and such an up beat feel good song. Great Job!
Loving this dance by Maddison. Don't be put off by the phrasing, it's not as tricky as it looks. Well worth learning and such an up beat feel good song. Great Job!

Jamie Barnfield
16th Feb 2017
First learnt this at the CBA's and have been dying to do it since! A well choreographed routine that is easy to follow, so don't let the look of the step sheet put you off. It had a great reaction after we danced it, and then we danced it again several times after! It's up lifting, reminds you of how Line Dancing use to be and how it is now all in one go!
First learnt this at the CBA's and have been dying to do it since! A well choreographed routine that is easy to follow, so don't let the look of the step sheet put you off. It had a great reaction after we danced it, and then we danced it again several times after! It's up lifting, reminds you of how Line Dancing use to be and how it is now all in one go!

Betty Drummond
North Wales
16th Feb 2017
My class are really enjoying this dance. It's got that feel good factor and it's also a bit of a challenge too. It didn't go in first off but once everyone got to grips with the tempo change and the "heel digs" section they soon started to get into it. Well worth the effort of teaching and I wouldn't be surprised to see this dance becoming a big bit hit for Maddy. Well done.
My class are really enjoying this dance. It's got that feel good factor and it's also a bit of a challenge too. It didn't go in first off but once everyone got to grips with the tempo change and the "heel digs" section they soon started to get into it. Well worth the effort of teaching and I wouldn't be surprised to see this dance becoming a big bit hit for Maddy. Well done.

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