With Or Without You
Choreographed By
Johnny Sky
Choreographed to
With Or Without You (view all dances to this track) 

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Reviews of With Or Without You.

9th Oct 2014
A lovely dance to a great track. I've had quite a few comments from people, saying they like it. It does feel a bit fast to start with, but once you've got used to that, it just fits and flows along nice. I love it..
A lovely dance to a great track. I've had quite a few comments from people, saying they like it. It does feel a bit fast to start with, but once you've got used to that, it just fits and flows along nice. I love it..

11th Sep 2014
Fabulous dance & track - my current favourite!
Fabulous dance & track - my current favourite!

10th Sep 2014
Another great dance from Alison & Peter that flows along at a pace to a pop-infused bachata style music track.
Another great dance from Alison & Peter that flows along at a pace to a pop-infused bachata style music track.

10th Sep 2014
Lovely flowing dance lovely music as usual !!!
Lovely flowing dance lovely music as usual !!!
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