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Let Her Down Easy

Choreographed By
Neville Fitzgerald (UK), Julie Harris (UK). March 2014
George Michael
Choreographed to
Let Her Down Easy (view all dances to this track)

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Reviews of Let Her Down Easy.

6th Apr 2014
Margaret Taylor, if I was Nev or Julie I would be very insulted to find you using their dance to push someone else's dance. Rachael may well produce a good dance.....but this one that is already out has that special choreography.......its a lovely and flowing dance, and of course as I have actually learnt the dance, I am very happy to recommend it
Margaret Taylor, if I was Nev or Julie I would be very insulted to find you using their dance to push someone else's dance. Rachael may well produce a good dance.....but this one that is already out has that special choreography.......its a lovely and flowing dance, and of course as I have actually learnt the dance, I am very happy to recommend it

Heather W
6th Apr 2014
oops slip of the finger-----Superb chroregraphy by Nev and Julie they are a hard act to follow
oops slip of the finger-----Superb chroregraphy by Nev and Julie they are a hard act to follow

5th Apr 2014
This absolutely fabulous tribute track from George Michael deserves some very special choreography. It will be interesting to see if Rachael's version can work its magic.
This absolutely fabulous tribute track from George Michael deserves some very special choreography. It will be interesting to see if Rachael's version can work its magic.

7th Apr 2014
thats ok Margaret. I think you had totally misunderstood what a Dance Review was about!
thats ok Margaret. I think you had totally misunderstood what a Dance Review was about!

7th Apr 2014
So sorry Mackie. This was not my intention and no insult was intended towards Neville & Julie's great choroegraphy. I mistakenly edited out the important section that they have produced a lovely free flowing dance and I hope it is popular. You cannot blame several top choreographers choosing the same track but from a dancers point of view it is a struggle to know which one is going to be popular at the events you attend and it is not always dictated by its position in the charts. The speed at which new dances come and go these days makes it difficult enough to remember them all let alone try to learn different versions to the same music. They are lucky to have such a loyal fan as yourself.
So sorry Mackie. This was not my intention and no insult was intended towards Neville & Julie's great choroegraphy. I mistakenly edited out the important section that they have produced a lovely free flowing dance and I hope it is popular. You cannot blame several top choreographers choosing the same track but from a dancers point of view it is a struggle to know which one is going to be popular at the events you attend and it is not always dictated by its position in the charts. The speed at which new dances come and go these days makes it difficult enough to remember them all let alone try to learn different versions to the same music. They are lucky to have such a loyal fan as yourself.

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